RV Life Testimonial: How Full-Time RVing Changed Our Family’s Life

Living life on the road in an RV is a dream for many, but it's a reality for our family. We've traded the traditional brick-and-mortar lifestyle for a life of adventure, exploration, and learning on the open road. This transition has not only changed our physical location but also our mindset, relationships, and overall lifestyle.

The Decision to Go Full-Time RVing

The decision to shift to full-time RVing was not made overnight. It was the result of a series of discussions, research, and careful planning. We were tired of the monotonous routine and the constant hustle and bustle of city life. We yearned for a lifestyle that offered freedom, flexibility, and a closer connection with nature.

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Moreover, we wanted to provide our children with a unique upbringing, one that was filled with diverse experiences and learning opportunities. We believed that full-time RVing could offer this, and so, we embarked on our journey.

Adapting to the RV Lifestyle

Adapting to the RV lifestyle was a challenge initially. The limited space, the need for constant planning, and the absence of a permanent address were all new to us. However, with time, we learned to embrace these challenges and turn them into opportunities.

We learned to live minimally, appreciating the value of each item we owned. We became adept at planning our travels, ensuring we had the necessary resources and amenities wherever we went. We discovered the joy of having a new backyard every few weeks, each with its unique charm and beauty.

Impact on Our Family Relationships

Full-time RVing has had a profound impact on our family relationships. Living in close quarters has brought us closer as a family. We've learned to work together, respect each other's space, and appreciate the value of quality time.

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Our children have developed a strong bond, learning to share, cooperate, and resolve conflicts amicably. As parents, we've been able to spend more time with our children, participating in their learning journey and witnessing their growth firsthand.

Education on the Road

One of the significant concerns we had before embarking on this journey was our children's education. However, we soon realized that the road could be an excellent educator. Our children have learned about geography, history, culture, and nature in a hands-on, immersive way.

We supplement their learning with online courses, ensuring they stay on par with their peers academically. The flexibility of online learning allows us to tailor their education to their interests and learning pace, making education a joy rather than a chore.

The Financial Aspect

Many people assume that full-time RVing is expensive. However, we've found that it can be quite economical if planned correctly. By eliminating expenses like mortgage, property taxes, and utility bills, we've been able to live comfortably within our means.

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We work remotely, which allows us to earn a steady income while traveling. We've also learned to be savvy about our travel expenses, choosing free or low-cost camping sites, cooking our meals, and taking advantage of free activities and attractions.

The Challenges of Full-Time RVing

While full-time RVing has many benefits, it also comes with its set of challenges. Dealing with breakdowns, navigating through harsh weather conditions, and managing limited space are all part of the package.

However, we've learned to view these challenges as part of the adventure. They've taught us resilience, problem-solving, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They've made our journey more exciting and rewarding.


Full-time RVing has changed our family's life in ways we could never have imagined. It has brought us closer as a family, enriched our children's education, and allowed us to live a life of freedom and adventure.

While it's not a lifestyle for everyone, for those who yearn for a life less ordinary, full-time RVing can be a fulfilling and enriching experience. It's a journey of discovery, learning, and growth, one that leaves you with a treasure trove of memories and experiences.

Ready to embark on your own journey of freedom and adventure? Look no further than Lazydays RV, where we are committed to providing you with the best RV sales, service, and ownership experience. Join the family of RVers who have become Customers for Life and start creating your treasure trove of memories today. Shop RVs Now and take the first step towards a life less ordinary.

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